Tuesday, July 28, 2009

"Don't bring him 'round me, cos I'm a flirt."

So apparently I am a extremely flirtatious person, & I flirt with anybody in possesion of a phallace. &I'm also a raging ball of hormones who cannot wait to jump the bones of any man that looks my way, possibly a female if I'm feeling up to the challenge.

But let's be serious cos I really don't play that shit. Why do people have different opinions of what they consider flirting, &why am I the only one who is normal?

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Monday, May 18, 2009


GeoTagged, [N38.83199, E77.40480]

My GB got her nape. I'm definitly getting my vertical tragus soon.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Vertical Tragus

this will be my new new.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Where You Be At?

"What if I had a thing on the side?
Made you cry?
Would the rules change up,
Or would they still apply?
If I played you like a toy?"

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Crazy People &an Epic Story

I don't like crazy people. Not sane people with crazy tendencies, but full-on crazy people.

My ex continues to text me over &over, saying ":-x" first off, what does that smiley face even mean? I can only grasp the (: ): etc,... I don't even understand. No. 2, I'm not understanding why
 he's texting me to begin with, when we ended off saying I needed space. People don't understand that when somebody says they need space, give it to them. Damn, it's not like I'm
 saying it "between the lines," because I said flat out I need space. Back up.

My Epic Story Follows::
*nobody believes this other than the people who were there,
they all think it's some lame excuse to explain my injury.*
I broke my nose the Sunday before spring break. This is what happened. I was at Taco Hut (TacoBell/PizzaHut) with BeeAyy, Sakinah &EC. I was talking smack about BeeAyys car the entire day, because it's ghetto beyond measure. I walk out to the car to get into the back seat. The car is parked on a slight slant, but not really. I open the door (from what I've been told, I opened it with a wee bit too much force) and I bent down to get in the back of the car, because
 it's a coupe. The door then swings back and smashes my face into the metal door frame of his car, with one quick motion. I sit in the back &cover my eyes &nose because it stings, &my eyes are watering. My friends are laughing, until I take my hands away from my face. My nose has 2 holes on the bridge, looking like a giant spider bite or a staple remover stab. My nose did not stop bleeding til the morning after. It was karma, karma instantaneously got me. It was the most tragic/hilarious accident that has ever happened to me. People think it's a lame excuse to explain a drunken brawl or something, but seriously, I would have to posses an extremely vivid imagination to create a story like this. In all seriousness, I got jumped by a car door.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Ryan Leslie


best song, I have no f`ing clue why he made this song as just random syllables &shit. But it's amazing.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009


I don't believe that things will change in this situation.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Circa 2004

Blast from the past. Steve Seo's sister came into my job. Showed me a picture, etc. Wtf. That consumed like 3 years of my life. I can't believe it's been 5 years since all of that started. I feel old. I felt nothing and everything at the same time. (doesn't make sense) No one will ever top that, I'd have to say. Lmao, 25. Ride/Die. Yeah I was the whole myspace-default-page-dedicate kinda person. Woah.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Subject of Old Friends

So I'm wondering when it became cool to be phony towards your "girls." &Be shiesty. It's funny how people say that we don't talk to them anymore, when their fingers aren't broke either. How hard is it to click my name on the contact list &hit me up. Say waddup on AIM. You MIA all the damn time. It's ironic how I hear about you from other people more than I hear directly from you. People are saying that they know you better than we do, but they know someone other than the person I knew. I can't fade it. I probably won't ever chill with you anymore, &it doesn't even phase me. I don't really care to surround myself with people who are fake. I don't care how people take this, it is what it is. You go around with all sorts of people, but can't hit any of us up. Whenever we all get together(which is a rare occurrence) you leave early for some shady ass reason. I saw you texting complaining that one day, act like I don't know, like I'm blind. I see you change, but it's not even affecting me. I laugh at people who think they know you, because they don't. I think it's hilarious how you call my REAL girl a goer-even though you were just the same at one point. &Lame who thinks that you were never like that, obviously DOESN'T know you as well as he thought. I wonder if your friends knew everything we did, would they still hang around with you. If you didn't have a car &couldn't drive them to parties, take them on J rides, or whatever you do. If you didn't have all the $$, &didn't buy gifts every time you're at the mall. I think it's funny that dude can get special edition shoes off the internet, &all of us get some generic stuff. I see where your priority is, &I'm just not with it. For all I can say, Le`Twakec is over-I don't care too much.

On a lighter note: I'm visiting my brother March 1 (: YAYAY

Court: March 2 = blower. 47 in a 25, aka reckless &past curfew. Hopefully I get traffic school, &a slap on the wrist. If I get suspended, it would suck. Seriously.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Metro Center=Vogue

So um I'm doing this from my phone since I'm too lazy to get on the computer. I went to the DC Auto Show with my crew, &on the way there we ran into these guys. They were vogue-ing in the middle of Metro Center. They officially go hard. One dude was decked out in Vicky S Pink sweatsuit outfit. N other dude had the dopest acrylics ever. We were all siced because they vogued for like 5 minutes. We also learned the "Stanky Legg" dance. Yes, 2 G's in Legg. Then we went around all day asking everyone if they knew how to do it. Were coming up with our own called do that "Butta Face." (:

Thursday, February 5, 2009


I love this picture at the top. It's the Bahamas, but not a scene you would expect 5 minutes from the Atlantis Hotel there.

First time writing on here, but I made it like a week ago.

It's not that I don't have anything to say, just nothing that I should say. Bigggg difference.

I talked to my brother today, it made me realize how much I've changed in the past year or so. He says "You're grown up as shit now, burgundy hair, piercings, tattoos, I wanna meet this new you, you seem cool as shit." I never thought about what major things I've done since I've seen him. I added about 4 piercings, 3 tattoos to my resume &it's been over a damn year. I feel so bad. He was telling me about how he likes his new girlfriend more than the last one, but I didn't even hear about the LAST one. WTF?! I didn't even know that he was talking to females. I've been so MIA towards him, which is crazy. I've decided I gotta visit him more, I didn't even know he got transfered back to Augusta State Prison-I thought he was still at Sussex. ): -Me = Bad Sister. He is the most significant influence in my life &I let him fall by the wayside. He's getting out on January 1, 2011-which is so soon. I don't really believe the fact that he's acutally getting out, since he's been locked up so long. We've decided we're gonna go party, clubbing &what not.

^WOW, just as I said that my psychotic dog jumped &kicked the shit out of my MacBook. Ass.

Back to me -- Friday = DC with the girls: EC, ED, SF. We're going to the car show. Wooo. If I hadn't inexplicably broke my camera I would take pictures. But I'm siced, &I get paid too. Wooo X2. But I have to open a bank account, ew. It's been like 6 months since I closed mine. I hate banks, but I spend too much money &have to save me from myself. My sad-ass 335$ paycheck. Ugh.

PK The Great